Cmder - console emulator for Windows
Download and installation
1. Open website and navigate to the Download section.
2. You're left with two choices: if you already have Git installed on your Windows machine, download Mini version, otherwise I suggest downloading Full version.
3. When you receive ZIP archive, extract it to a Cmder folder inside your "Program Files" on your system disk (eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Cmder).
4. Run cmder.exe file and click "Unblock and Continue" when "Warning!" prompt window appears.
5. Cmder should be running now. Let's get ready for some configuration!
Configuration (for Mini version)
1. Right click the Cmder's titlebar and choose "Settings..." (or press Win - Alt - P) and the settings panel should open.
2. On the left navigation select "Startup / Tasks" and click "Add default tasks..." button.
3. On the "Predefined tasks" menu select {Bash::Git bash} and add text '-new_console:d:C:\www' where 'C:\www' is your working projects root folder (can be any folder you want). The whole setting should look like this:
"%ConEmuDrive%\Program Files\Git\git-cmd.exe" --no-cd
--command=usr/bin/bash.exe -l -i -new_console:d:C:\www
4. Now select "Startup" element on the left navigation and select {Bash::Git bash} option on the "Specified named task"
5. Click "Save settings" on the bottom right corner.
Configuration (for Full version)
1. Right click the Cmder's titlebar and choose "Settings..." (or press Win - Alt - P) and the settings panel should open.
2. On the left navigation select "Startup / Tasks" and click "Add default tasks..." button.
3. On the "Predefined tasks" menu select {Git bash} and add text '-new_console:d:C:\www' where 'C:\www' is your working projects root folder (can be any folder you want). The whole setting should look like this:
"%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
4. Now select "Startup" element on the left navigation and select {Git bash} option on the "Specified named task"
5. Click "Save settings" on the bottom right corner.